Meep to GDS#
After designing and simulating a component using Meep, you can take that component and put it into gdsfactory. From there, you can design a circuit with it and put it into a GDS file. The method to do this is contained in gdsfactory.simulation.gmeep.meep_adjoint_optimization
and is relatively straightforward. The function name is get_component_from_sim
. It takes in a Meep simulation object (make sure it is 2D) and returns a GDS component. From there, you can use gdsfactory functions on it, or export it directly to a GDS file.
If you choose to continue manipulating the component in gdsfactory, you will most likely want to add ports to your component. This is done using the add_ports
function for the component.
Example code for these functions is shown below.
import meep as mp
from gplugins.gmeep.meep_adjoint_optimization import get_component_from_sim
Si = mp.Medium(index=3.45)
SiO2 = mp.Medium(index=1.45)
wvl = 1.55
resolution = 20
# Variables for geometry
waveguide_width = 0.5
arm_separation = 0.25
mmi_length = 5.5
mmi_width = 2.5
taper_width = 1
taper_length = 10
pml_size = 1
pml_layers = [mp.PML(pml_size)]
Sx = 2 * taper_length + mmi_length + 2 * pml_size
Sy = mmi_width + 2 * pml_size + 0.5
taper_x1 = taper_length + mmi_length
taper_x2 = mmi_length / 2
taper_y1 = arm_separation / 2
taper_y2 = taper_width / 2 - waveguide_width / 2 + arm_separation / 2
taper_y3 = taper_width / 2 + waveguide_width / 2 + arm_separation / 2
taper_y4 = taper_width + arm_separation / 2
# Simulation geometry
geometry = [mp.Block(mp.Vector3(mmi_length, mmi_width), center=mp.Vector3(), material=Si),
mp.Prism(vertices=[mp.Vector3(-taper_x2, -taper_y1), mp.Vector3(-taper_x2, -taper_y4), mp.Vector3(-taper_x1, -taper_y3), mp.Vector3(-taper_x1, -taper_y2)], height=mp.inf, material=Si),
mp.Prism(vertices=[mp.Vector3(taper_x2, -taper_y1), mp.Vector3(taper_x2, -taper_y4), mp.Vector3(taper_x1, -taper_y3), mp.Vector3(taper_x1, -taper_y2)], height=mp.inf, material=Si),
mp.Prism(vertices=[mp.Vector3(-taper_x2, taper_y1), mp.Vector3(-taper_x2, taper_y4), mp.Vector3(-taper_x1, taper_y3), mp.Vector3(-taper_x1, taper_y2)], height=mp.inf, material=Si),
mp.Prism(vertices=[mp.Vector3(taper_x2, taper_y1), mp.Vector3(taper_x2, taper_y4), mp.Vector3(taper_x1, taper_y3), mp.Vector3(taper_x1, taper_y2)], height=mp.inf, material=Si),
# Variables for the source
fcen = 1 / wvl
width = 0.2
fwidth = width * fcen
source_center_x = -(mmi_length / 2 + taper_length - 0.5)
source_size = mp.Vector3(0, waveguide_width + 0.5)
kpoint = mp.Vector3(1, 0, 0)
src = mp.GaussianSource(frequency=fcen, fwidth=fwidth)
sources = [
eig_kpoint = kpoint,
center=mp.Vector3(source_center_x, -(taper_y2 + waveguide_width / 2)),
sim = mp.Simulation(
cell_size=mp.Vector3(Sx, Sy),
geometry_center = mp.Vector3()
# Visualize the simulation
# Specify simulation and center frequency of source to get component
mmi = get_component_from_sim(sim, fcen)
# Can specify a different location to save file
# Specify a list of ports and use the following function to add ports to your component
# mmi.add_ports(ports=[list of ports])
2024-02-14 10:20:23.688 | INFO | gplugins.gmeep:<module>:39 - Meep '1.28.0' installed at ['/home/parkeraa/miniconda3/envs/mp/lib/python3.11/site-packages/meep']
2024-02-14 10:20:23.826 | WARNING | gdsfactory.pdk:get_active_pdk:734 - No active PDK. Activating generic PDK.
2024-02-14 10:20:23.947 | INFO | - Importing LayerViews from YAML file: '/home/parkeraa/miniconda3/envs/mp/lib/python3.11/site-packages/gdsfactory/generic_tech/layer_views.yaml'.
2024-02-14 10:20:23.949 | INFO | gdsfactory.pdk:activate:307 - 'generic' PDK is now active
2024-02-14 10:20:24.161 | INFO | gdsfactory.component:_write_library:1913 - Wrote to '2x2MMI.gds'